Over Dutch Startup Association
Leer ons beter kennen.
Why was the DSA founded?
Simple: we want to turn the Netherlands into the startup nation of Europe. Politicians have to admit: startups are an important driving force of innovation and economic growth. Still they are more inclined to talk about us than with us.
That is why the DSA was founded in 2017. To take on your public affairs issues. To engage in lobby activities in Dutch and European politics. To act as the voice of startups and scale-ups when it concerns legislation, economic policies, educational regulations and funding issues.
Our ambition
To make the Netherlands the startup state of Europe. Where startups are not only in abundance, but are also successful, grow faster and operate on a more international basis than anywhere in Europe. We believe it is possible, and fast!
The DSA focusses on people, resources and rules. This is where we move the needle for startups.
Het laatste Dutch Startup Association nieuws
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